Summer 2022 brings an important astrological transit of the North Node of the Moon joining forces with Uranus in Taurus. There are two ways to calculate the lunar nodes and thus we have either the Mean Node or the True Node. They aren’t that far apart and the usage is personal for each astrologer depending which works best by trigger in terms of timing. This summer the exact conjunction of the Mean node will be on July 26 at 18° 34’ Taurus and for the True Node on August 1 at 18° 40’; not that far apart in reality to make any noticeable difference. We should be very aware of the meaning of this transit as it is heightened for a four week period from July 15 through August 15 with the peak dates being those mentioned above. Adding to the energy of this moment in time is the transit of Mars triggering this degree as well as other key degrees of the zodiac.
WHAT TO BE AWARE OF The north node of the Moon has to do with meeting up with destiny. It points us in a direction to open doors and let in new ideas, thoughts, people, places and situations that bring us to place of greater understanding of our purpose in this life. Aiming ourselves in the direction of the North Node is not always easy because it doesn’t feel comfortable or habitual, like the south node. We have to stretch into it and move into territory that makes us feel uneasy until we learn the map of the new road and path. It’s sort of like Dorothy leaving Kansas and suddenly finding herself away from the safety of home only to explore new worlds and adventures on her journey to the Emerald City and the Land of Oz. The journey is unknown, full of fear, excitement and unexpected, scary events but along the way she is always guided, forms friendships and has encounters with people, places and things that keep her on a path towards growth and knowledge. The sign of Taurus has to do with values, substance, money, security, pleasures, talent and stability; all forms of material and financial security through the accumulation of wealth, possessions, and stuff that tangibly define us and helps find enjoyment in all things of the Earth. Taurus digs roots deeply in fertile ground. Those roots must be fertilized to sustain growth and consistently replenish resources. The soil must routinely be nurtured otherwise continued rape and abuse of the earth dries it up like a barren, dry and useless landscape. This would be true of the body and all the senses in which Taurus revels. Our body needs to continually be fed, clothed and exercised for optimum use. Uranus says there are amazing new ways to sustain life. Uranus is the planet of sudden and unexpected change. It asks us to move in a 180° direction from where we’ve been going. When this chaotic and revolutionary planet touches the north node in Taurus it insists that we must break out of a rut or routine and think outside the box. It is time to unleash a new way of expressing ourselves in the material world. It is no longer viable to stay stuck in the same old routines and patterns. It’s time to let go of the old and introduce the new. Wherever you’ve been stagnating and stale will demand explosive change. This is a time when new friends, groups, associations and affiliations will be made in order to take us in a new direction and add greater value to life. Material things that no longer support a certain way of living will be taken away and replaced by the new, innovative and progressive. The future holds exciting, unusual and unique ways to use and develop old, reliable resources. When the North Node in Taurus touches Uranus it electrifies Mother Earth and sends a bolt of lightning acting as a rippling effect towards technologically advancing everything in speedy fashion. This is the cattle prod needed to get out of lazily grazing in the pasture and start stampeding through the streets. Think the running of the bulls in Pamplona or a bull in a china shop. There could be much breakage and damage if this new electrical current isn’t appropriately channeled. Technology can help introduce new ways to use old resources. This energy can aid Mother Nature and our environments to unleash even greater power of productivity and help vast swaths of humanity. It can also create freakish, Frankenstein monster types of energy and instigate grotesque behaviors if not harnessed properly. The myth of Gaia and Uranus gives great insight into this summer’s astrological transit. Uranus, the sky God, mated with Gaia, Mother Earth, and produced the first race of Titans, of whom Saturn was the youngest. Unfortunately, Uranus viewed his progeny with horror because of their imperfections. They were ugly and made of flesh, so he banished them to the depths of the underworld where they could not offend his sight. Gaia naturally became enraged and planned revenge. She recruited the services of her youngest, Cronus (Saturn), and gave him a sharp scythe. While Uranus lay asleep, Cronus castrated his father and cast the bleeding genital into the sea. The genitals floated to the surface producing a white foam out which rose Aphrodite (Venus). Thus, we get the phrase, “Out of chaos comes creativity.” We have seen this myth playing out in many ways in the past few years on the Saturn square Uranus transit and this summer the story ratchets up another notch. We are all being asked to unleash and break free from bondage our hidden creativity, talent, and resources. It’s time to unshackle those special things about us that we’ve banished in the dark recesses of our body, mind, soul and spirit. Set the minotaur free so that the heretofore unwanted being and child can be loved, valued and appreciated instead of festering and boiling in a dark place where it causes great inner damage and harm as a result of many long years of unacknowledged, unloved and unwanted. The dark side of Taurus and her seven deadly sins must be squarely dealt with and honored. Watch who and what begins to appear and disappear in your life. This summer will introduce more fated types of contacts and connections. Look towards the house placement in the natal chart for where this is happening as well as any planets you may have around 15° to 25° Taurus. Those with planets closest to the exact conjunction at 18°-19° will feel it most intensely and erratically. This energy has the feeling of a roller coaster with lots of ups and downs, thrills and excitement as well as unpredictable and unstable emotions. It’s time to divorce and separate from the old and worn out. Try to instigate the new direction from within to help guide it along, otherwise this type of energy can wreak havoc like an earthquake that comes out of nowhere. The themes of revolutionary movements and political polarization will continue to be on the upsweep with this energy. It can exacerbate already existing crazy types of behaviors and political extremes that have been circulating in our zeitgeist for years. Uranus is always involved with ideological shifts in thinking that effect nations and governments. Paranoia and conspiracy theories will only become more popular ways of explaining the unexplainable. Because Taurus rules all our natural resources let’s see how the winds of change will affect gas, oil, housing, farming, weather and the environment. How will the country and the world revolutionize the traditional uses of the planet’s natural resources for greater sustainability of humanity and the Earth? Where can you give up control and where do you need to have more control? This is an important question to ask. What is of true value? It’s important to continue to ask those questions and do something about it. Excise any cancerous growth and replace it with something new. It’s time for radical change, divorce and separation. Some change will be out of our control, such as the cycles of death, while other change can be more consciously guided and bring creative awareness and enlightenment. It’s time to detach from that which holds you back. The action planet Mars, as usual, will play a very important part in triggering events this summer. While Mars stampedes through Taurus he will trigger recent eclipse degree points on July 20, August 12-13 as well as joining forces with the Uranus/North Node conjunction on August 1 and 2. Watch world events at this time as well as what is evolving in your own personal story. Take note of the Uranus retrograde station on August 23-25. Of course, the USA is currently experiencing its Pluto return and that continues to unleash the dirt and bile deep in the recesses of the collective unconsciousness of the country and its peoples. What is the karma we are currently reaping from the policies, structures and institutions as laid down by our forefathers hundreds of years ago? The Pluto return unclogs the drain and the toilet from all the sludge, filth and bile. We are cleaning our pipes and internal plumbing. Hang on and enjoy the roller coaster ride! |