Many astrologers have weighed in regarding the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Here is my two cents. This is strictly from an astrological perspective without any political opinion, so if inclined to comment keep that in mind. Any comments I deem inflammatory or disrespectful will be deleted.
We have two charts: Donald Trump’s birth chart and the time of the shooting in Butler, PA. We can look at them as stand-alone charts, but for our purposes let’s look at a dual wheel with the transit chart on the outside wheel and Trump’s natal chart on the inner wheel. The most obvious thing as stated by everyone is the tight Mars/Uranus conjunction on his 24.21 Taurus MC and square his natal Leo Mars of 26.40 and natal Leo ascendant at 29.58. The tightness of the conjunction at the MC shows it to be a shocking, unexpected public attack. Events on the MC are in full view for everyone to see. This volatile conjunction also tightly squares his natal Mars and Ascendant which would represent attacks on his physical body. When Mars is so prominent on the natal angles in tandem with the shock value of Uranus squaring natal Mars we get a less enlightened version played out on the public stage having to do with violence, guns, shooting, attempted assassination. So many phrases come to mind: sudden attacks, violent outbursts, shocking sniper attacks, unexpected chaos – the list could go on and on. Because Donald Trump has natal Mars smack on the ascendant the attack was on his physical body and the event was highly dramatic as one would expect with the sign of Leo being activated. As many astrologers have noted we could add the fixed star Algol to the mixed which sits at 26.10 of Taurus and is triggered by the transiting Mars/Uranus conjunction. This fixed star is associated with losing one’s head. The interpretation is so literal in this case as a bullet was aimed at his head to inflict death. Even without the fixed star activated, just having Mars, the planet that rules the head and face as well as violence, guns and attacks is quite enough for me. Algol is like the cherry on top of the sundae so to speak. Its interpretation is obvious, but it only adds more meaning to what is already there. Transiting Neptune is at 29.53 Pisces, a sensitive degree for equal house cusps particularly the 8th house which is the place of death. Donald Trump is 78 years old therefore he is in a 7th house profection year making Saturn the lord of the year so we would look to the condition of this planet in the natal chart and how it is receiving and giving transits. Saturn is transiting the 7th house of open enemies and is co-present with transiting Neptune. This could account for being blindsided by the attack and someone who should have been perceived as an “open enemy” becomes invisible and more hidden. Transiting Saturn squares natal Sun (ruler of the Ascendant and Mars) as well as the natal Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon is affiliated with the physical health of the body and in this case so is the Sun as it rules the ascendant. Saturn squaring both can be interpreted as the attempt to block or end someone’s life and the culprit would come from the 7th house of open enemies. The luck here is transiting Jupiter in his birth sign of Gemini which is directly responsible for counteracting some of the negativity of transiting Saturn and Mars/Uranus. Another good transit helping him is the Moon in Libra conjunct natal Jupiter (also trine natal Sun and sextile natal Moon). The only other thing I want to say at this point is that the volatility and revolutionary quality of the transiting Mars/Uranus conjunction at 26.19 Taurus will be triggered on these dates in the future: Uranus will get to this degree again between October 19-22, 2024 and the very end of April and beginning of May in 2025. Pay attention to those times. Uranus symbolism is revolution, chaos, shocks, divorces, splits and unexpected twists and turns like being on a rollercoaster. It can represent breakups and breakdowns or breakthroughs and breakouts. It can also be enlightenment. Mars will trigger this degree around June 10, 2025 after a very long retrograde. This will also happen very near Donald Trump’s 79th birthday when he will enter an 8th house profection year. Regardless of who wins the presidential election we are heading towards major evolutionary changes in the United States. Pluto will be fully in Aquarius by 2025. Let’s not forget the United States has the Moon at 27.10 Aquarius and transiting Pluto will conjoin that degree between 2040 and 2042. Comments are closed.
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
May 2024
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