I have a great personal story from the Memorial Day weekend that is clearly representative of Jupiter having entered Gemini on May 25th just five days after the Sun. The Sun in Gemini highlights Jupiter’s new persona. The King of the Gods has a place of honor especially now, at its ingress, by having Sol shine its light on Jupiter’s Geminian actions and activities. He has a larger place on the world stage during the season of the twins. Everyone should pay attention to things coming into consciousness in the Jupiter/Gemini area of your chart right now. These announcements are making themselves known and will define certain aspects of life for the next year.
I took the train up to Hudson, New York on Saturday, May 25. My friend Bill picked me up in his car and we proceeded to drive back to his home. We were on a two-lane roadway and a traffic police officer was on the side of the road with a pulled over motorist as we passed him. About 30 seconds later Bill noticed a police car signaling him from behind with flashing lights to pull over. The police officer came out of his car and asked if we had known why he pulled us over and we said no. Well, there is a law that says when an officer, or anyone for that matter, is stopped along the side of the road, cars approaching must move into the left lane to avoid hitting the vehicles and people stopped on the shoulder. We pleaded ignorance, were lucky, and let off with a warning. So far, the imagery is great. Gemini is local travel by train and car, Jupiter represents the law. Here the combination of Jupiter being in the sign of its detriment brings something negative such as being ignorant about a traffic law, but we had some luck because after all Jupiter is a lucky planet and exactly on the day of its Gemini ingress shined some luck our way, especially for Bill who has natal Jupiter in Libra in an overcoming trine to his Sun/Mercury/Venus conjunction in Aquarius. This entire year Jupiter in Gemini will form a zodiacal grand trine in air for him so he will manifest some more luck even in challenging situations. The story does not end there because Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini and can easily flip and manifest the tricky two-faced energy of the planet sign combination, that being said………… Fast forward to Tuesday, May 28. We were driving back to Hudson to catch the train to NYC. Bill is driving, I am in the passenger seat and our friend George is in the back seat. As we approach Hudson there is a large police presence on the road leading into town. They are stopping vehicles for random inspection. We pulled up thinking they would let us pass. The officer looked at us, asked where we were going and then said to please pull over. He asked for the car registration and like a repeat of the previous traffic incident asked if we knew why we were pulled over, to which we again said no. Bill and I had our seatbelts on, while George, being in the back seat, had not buckled up. It is against the law to not be buckled up, even in the back seat. Something that none of us were aware of. This time our luck was not so good. This office was stern, did not care that George was 80 and presented him with a ticket that if he pleads guilty will cost anywhere between $150 - $200. The good luck promised by Jupiter did not strike twice which is a common scenario in Gemini. Things happen in pairs and if luck hits first, it will not the second time - as in this story - and conversely if bad luck strikes the first time, then it often reverses on try number two! The clue as to why George did not have that good luck that Bill had is predicated on the condition of Jupiter in the natal chart. George has Jupiter in Virgo (the other sign of its detriment), and it squares his natal Sun/Mercury in Gemini. It is already an excessive and sloppy Jupiter when it comes to the details and this transit of Jupiter into his birth sign will only exacerbate some of the carelessness of these planetary/sign combinations. It will also bring him some luck as well in the future, most likely in his Gemini 11th house matters. But you can see where his natal positions act like a double-edge sword with Jupiter being uncomfortable in both Gemini and Virgo. Jupiter in detriment is known for not dotting its “I’s” or crossing its “T’s.” There is a sloppiness with the details and the knowledge or information is unfocused. In the above two stories we were ignorant of the law. In one instance we experienced “dumb luck” and in the other, by not knowing the simple details and rudimentary facts of law, were made to suffer the consequences. If only George had his seatbelt on! If you would like to schedule a reading please message me. Comments are closed.
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
May 2024
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