I’m offering one class Fall semester 2021: An Advanced Interpretation Class beginning Wednesday, October 6 and continuing for 6 consecutive weeks, the last class being November 10, cost $207. I require payment in full at least one week before the first class. Make checks payable to Joseph Addeo and mail to 80 North Moore Street, #19-J, NY, NY 10013. Payment can also be made via PayPal at [email protected] or Venmo at Joseph-Addeo. There is no refund for classes missed. All classes are now being held via Zoom. Zoom links will be sent to enrolled students the night before each class. Recording of each class is allowed. It’s a privilege to teach and I hope to see many new and familiar faces. Please feel free to call (212) 346-0977 or e-mail at [email protected] if you have questions.
ASTROLOGICAL BASICS – Level I Introductory – A beginner’s class, where the ABC’s of Western Astrology are explored and learned. Topics covered include planets, signs, houses, elements and modes. By the end of the course each student should have a basic knowledge on how to start reading a chart. A practical approach is emphasized for use as a springboard to future study and developing one’s own unique style of interpretation. Call or E-mail to enroll.
No introductory class in 2021. Please check back in 2022 for class dates.
No introductory class in 2021. Please check back in 2022 for class dates.
Advanced Interpretation A six week course focusing on advanced natal interpretation and forecasting. Students must have prior knowledge of astrological basics of the natal chart and a rudimentary knowledge of transits and progressions. Eclipses and Hellenistic techniques such as time lords and sect, which determines the most benefic and malefic planets, will be introduced. Student charts will be used as examples along with others of my choosing. If you wish to have your chart discussed in class please send your timed birth information when signing up. Submitting birth information is completely voluntary. Space will be limited.
Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:30 via Zoom, 6 classes, $207. Begins: October 6 2021 Ends: November 10, 2021
Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:30 via Zoom, 6 classes, $207. Begins: October 6 2021 Ends: November 10, 2021