The Sun enters Virgo today but because the new moon in Leo occurred this past Tuesday there is still more Leo types of "fun in the Sun" times that will linger. Virgo is a sign associated with health, high functioning, precision and can overly worry. Therefore in this time of Covid, with so many people more concerned about their health and others wanting to have some free spirited fun, there needs to be a balance between fun loving, free and easy Leo and protocol, rule-following, critical and picky Virgo. The balance between the two signs can be very beneficial. A very important part of the Virgo Sun will be figuring out the details and organizing a new daily ritual as so many prepare to go back to school and work. For some that is now, and for others it's after Labor Day - but for all the preparation and organization of the daily routine has to be thought about and planned. Obviously this year there are many changes and adjustments being made to the school and work year. Mars turning retrograde on September 9 initiates a time when all these new plans that are put into action have a two month review process to see if they're working, and if not then they will be changed after November 14. There's also a Mercury retrograde thrown in from October 14 through November 3 that will also be a time of review and adjustment. The major aspect today is a T-square between the Moon, Mars, Pluto and Saturn. This is not a fun aspect. It can provoke arguments, fights, blocks, delays, repression, anger, violence and a generally oppressive and threatening type of energy. Of course, the benefits of such a dynamic aspect is about massive amounts of focus, concentration and energy put towards solving gargantuan problems but the energy must be used in a focused, organized, determined and steady way. If and when you meet with blocks know how to back off or continue forward and find a new way to solve the challenge or obstruction. You really, really must know how to choose your battle with this T-square. The empty sign is Cancer so the problem and/or solution can be found through family, home, history or looking to the past. The planet Uranus stations retrograde today at 10° 41’ Taurus. She’ll be retrograde through January 11, 2021 when he’ll turn direct at 2°39’ Taurus. The day of, two days before and the day after the retrograde are often when major shifts occur in the world and in our personal lives pertaining to Uranian matters and in Uranian ways. The other important dates are when she makes sharp aspects to natal planets but for now we are dealing mainly with the station.
We’ve been feeling the energy the past few days and it will be here throughout the weekend. Retrogrades are a reversal of energy, change of attitude, switch of direction. There may be reversals and changes to friendships, teams and alliances since Uranus is very concerned with matters pertaining to groups. In the sign of Taurus the question will be which friends, teams, groups and alliances hold the most value and substance in your life. Which are worth holding on to, and which don’t hold inherent value anymore that you might distance, divorce or separate from? Perhaps the shift in status can be over something as mundane as money. When it comes to money there could be simplistic arguments and blow ups over what different people value about it. For many there must be more introspection on the retrograde on how to be innovative in creating new sources of income. Many have been detached and castrated from financial sources and this retrograde through the end of the year offers an opportunity to recreate those resources. Unearth a new talent and be inspired to use innate talents in innovative ways. Another stimulus package should be coming down the pike within a matter of weeks on this retrograde. This planet has a great deal to do with divorce. These days are fraught with wanting to break away from others whether spouses, friends or family members. Really think hard whether those in your life add depth and substance or detract from those qualities. If something explosive has happened in the last few days or occurs in the upcoming few days don’t try to fix the problem immediately with a knee jerk response. Someone may come at you with something that angers, disrupts or sets you in a chaotic tailspin. It’s best not to react in similar fashion. Detach, get some distance, see things from a bird’s eye view and then tackle a response next week sometime after more objectivity is reached. Unless a major eruption calls for an immediate response, take the high road and remain objectively distant. Only certain very important life altering events will demand an immediate and quick response. Uranus is a planet of originality and innovation and this is a turning point on how to figure out how to make yourself stand out from the crowd and show off your uniqueness. We have 5 months to make that rebirth and this weekend is the start. Uranus also likes to break, overthrow and revolutionize and because Taurus is a money sign watch what continues to be thrown off balance with the economy and our resources. Stock markets and economic forecasts will continue to be volatile and off kilter. Those who don’t like being told what to do; for instance wearing a mask, may become more irritable, volatile, contrary and confrontational so hold off on provoking others even if you’re in the right. Uranus can be an iconoclast so watch for the further destruction of old, cherished and/or antiquated structures and belief systems that have been long held in high value but are now crumbling. It is especially important to watch for volcanic explosions from Mother Nature. Keep your mind open to original thinking and allow yourself to change strait-jacketed or vice- like thinking and habits otherwise they will break your will in much more uncomfortable mental and physical ways. This can also be a weekend of making unexpected new friendships and social contacts with people that over the coming months may become more deeply connected and bonded with you. This weekend’s Moon/Venus conjunction in Cancer is an extremely loving family connection that comes from the heart so be aware of new relationships fitting into that category that suddenly commence. The next few days will be rather challenging to navigate. Whatever you're feeling or experiencing will be heightened, sensitized and dramatized just a little bit more than usual thanks to the effects of the full moon. This lunation crosses the signs of Aquarius and Leo and both signs are known for their dramatic intensity. Everyone wants to stand out from the crowd and be recognized for their unique individuality. The Leo time of year likes to make everyday a special one and this full moon will make people go to extremes in behavioral patterns to be recognized and seen! Watch for too much partying, too much drinking, too much ignoring social distance boundaries and conversely others being super, super ruthless in judging and calling out behaviors they deem to be socially unacceptable. It's a polarizing energy.
It's an even more interesting full moon because it is colored by the Sun in square aspect to Uranus, one of the planetary rulers of Aquarius as well as Mercury in opposition to Saturn the other planetary ruler of Aquarius. The next few days has an off kilter kind of energy and you can easily be thrown off your center. Don't be stubborn about sticking to a plan, point of view or opinion because the more you dig you heels deeply into a behavior pattern the more you might suffer when the energy breaks. It may be best to distance yourself from friends, family and the crowd when the energy gets too volcanic. Mercury opposite Saturn is ripe for blocked communication and Mars square Jupiter only adds to zealous proselytizing and fighting too hard for your beliefs without listening to others. There's way too much stubborn energy in the air. If you feel you or anyone else approaching situations with blinders on, then take a deep breath and take a step back. Only go the distance in a situation where you're absolutely 100% sure about your position, and even then be careful about going one step too far in saying something wrong. Expect the unexpected in the next few days and be willing to find new, creative solutions for old problems. Often we are at our most creative when forced into making necessary changes to events that are lobbed at us from left field. When something irritates and upsets you emotionally, remove yourself from the situation and get a bird's eye view and more objectivity before coming back to meet the situation from a detached perspective in order to solve the problem. Shocking revelations may come to light so nothing should surprise you - or EVERYTHING will surprise you! This is an accident prone energy so slow down and be more hyper aware of your surroundings when driving, biking and using all forms of transportation. |
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
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