My last several posts have been very intense and I know that. But we are living through intense times and while I usually like to give an uplifting outlook as much as possible I have to call things as I see it and not gloss over hard and difficult aspects. It doesn't really matter what part of the political spectrum you fall on, so when I talk about things like revolution and the breakdown of old structures and the push towards something new and evolutionary, that would happen no matter which president or administration is in office. The events may be played out differently but the astrology remains the same. Revolution is revolution and disruptive no matter which side you fall on, but who is in charge will dictate the form and substance.
So the Sun will enter Aquarius tomorrow and on schedule a new administration will be sworn in shortly thereafter and life goes on. Aquarius is the sign of politics, democracy and group consensus. The Sun focuses its will on this sign and with Jupiter and Saturn both in this sign for the entire year all the growth and restriction will be around the political arena and the thoughts, ideas, freedom, and the group with which you align yourself. What is your political team and who are your group of friends? A pandemic forces you to choose your pod, your bubble, your family, your friends that you want to be part of. It's like living in a restricted community where you have a fence that keeps out the undesirables from the people that have chosen to live there. This is a time when people of a like mind join and band together to form safety in numbers. You can see the positive and negative side to that way of thinking. Inauguration Day has challenging aspects so that means the new president and administration will have monumental challenges over the course of the next 4 years. This chart becomes one of the few charts we use to make predictions for the country over the next four years along with the president's chart and the USA natal chart. Another observation about Uranus moving forward in Taurus and an important part of this energy is detachment from what owns you. Taurus is a sign very concerned with money, possessions and material security. Uranus is a planet that demands separation, logic and detachment and often does this, as all the outer planets do, in ways that catch us off guard and make us feel a loss of control and grounding. Uranus does this often through divorce, separation, sudden outbursts, riots, breaks as well as epiphanies, flashes of brilliance and enlightenment. Taurus likes to accumulate because it thinks it needs lots of things in its life for security and stability. Taurus at its most negative is about the 7 deadly sins: Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Lust, Pride, Sloth and Envy. Uranus in Taurus will force a split and a separation from those things, people, places and situations that we no longer think we need. If it owns you then Uranus says, nuh uh, it's not necessary. You may be forced to split from whatever brings that false security. The break may occur through circumstances beyond your control and that would be painful but you also may come to certain conclusions on your own and the split, separation and divorce may be done as a more conscious choice. Often it's a combination of both where an event forces a release and then the action taken surrounding that event becomes more conscious and pushes you in a new direction. If the things you possess are putting you in bondage then its time to break those chains that bind and seek more freedom. Uranus in Taurus says simplify your life by giving up that which owns you. When you shed layers of stuff your burden is lightened and the walk becomes lighter. You may also unleash new talent and creativity. That is ultimately what is being asked of you on a deeply personal level. The planet Uranus is receiving a tremendous amount of action these days so we will continue to see things such as rebellions, chaos, unexpected upheavals and turnarounds, things moving at warp speed, craziness, new movements getting under way, political ideologies moving forward and gaining strength and power. We have an old administration leaving and a new one coming in but it is not a peaceful transition by any stretch of the imagination and the astrology says it will not be for a long time. Some of the positive themes of this Uranian/Aquarius energy is about the hope for a new future, the hope for an efficacious vaccine and swift distribution. The hope for the future and a new economy getting under way. Progressive and innovative new technologies improving life on earth. All this is wonderful and will happen but not in the immediate future. First there is revolution and turmoil before there is a birth. Uranus the sky God was castrated and his bloody genitals dropped in the sea. Eventually out of the sea a procreative power emerged from those castrated genitals in the form of Aphrodite/Venus. And new beauty and peace was born. But the birth of that beautiful Venusian energy came from a bloody event. An Aquarian/Uranian quote that is often used is, "Out of Chaos Comes Creativity".
So, let's map out what Uranus is doing. She turned direct yesterday in the sign of Taurus so things are now moving forward with the Uranian and Taurus side of life including money and politics. Time to move forward with a new regime and throw away the old and on with the new. The old values are gone and the new ones are coming in. This is felt on a personal level as it pertains to the house position in your natal chart. This weekends Jupiter/Uranus square exaggerates, inflames, fans the fires, expands and increases any of the myriad political and social problems we are facing. This adds to the increase of COVID vaccines but also the sloppiness of the roll out. There is too much waste on this aspect. There is also waaaaay tooooo muuuuuuch religious and political proselytizing. Belief systems get stretched out of whack in the polarization and extremism of beliefs and philosophies. There's a lot of "Freedom Fighter" imagery here. Don't fence me in, don't hold me back and DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!! The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th followed by a Mars/Uranus conjunction on the 20th. This is a volatile and combative energy. Mars wants Uranus to take quick, decisive, sudden, and unexpected action. This is not a pleasant aspect considering the times we are living in. Do not pick unnecessary fights with others. The outcome of things will not go as planned. Mars represents anger, violence, combat and the military while Uranus is about rebellions, reveloutions, chaos and making breaks and having divorces. If the energy is used wisely then this is highly action-oriented creative types of thinking and actions that can make incredible strides in self-discovery with brilliance, innovation and uniqueness. Unfortunately in society we are seeing so much more of the negative side of all this energy playing out. See if in your personal life the positive energy can manifest as you may have more of a conscious choice as to how to direct the energy. Look for love with your friends, family and try to be objective in how you view situations. A healthy detachment can bring a greater awareness of the humanity in everyone and all things and ultimately broaden one's view of brotherly and sisterly love. There's a maelstrom of nasty aspects approaching so be prepared to gird your loins.
Mercury squares Uranus today. Unexpected news and chaotic information. Knee jerk responses and lashing out verbally. Venus squares Chiron: dealing with deep seated relationship wounds that need to be addressed. The challenge to heal relationships as well as feelings of low self-worth and self-esteem. Money challenges. Mars squares Saturn: Getting fired from a job. The action you take goes against your best interests. The frustration of having the powers that be having control over your sense of direction. Driving with one foot on the gas with the other on the brake. Slow, measured and delayed action after knocking your head against a brick wall. Authorities fighting a mob. Add to this mixture the upcoming Capricorn new moon which is one of the shittiest of the year. Why do I say that? Because the degree of this new moon is at the degree of transiting Pluto. Pluto rules the bowels, the shit, the depths, things that are vile, base and seedy so this new moon is the beginning of a shit show so to speak. Pluto conjunct a new moon is an initiation into terror and spits in our face. I don't use the word holocaust lightly but there is that feeling in the air and no one can deny it. We must transform the energy and power into something that can evolve but that's the energy on the other side of the tunnel and I'm afraid we haven't gotten there yet. On a personal level a Capricorn New Moon conjunct Pluto says how are you structuring the use of power in your life? Are you using power constructively or destructively? How much influence do you have? How much control do you have over the constructs of your life right now and how much are you at the mercy of others? Do you even have any power? What new beginnings are some of you forced to make because of death and destruction through no fault of your own. Others have benefited from a bad situation not in a greedy way but just because of the nature of their work. If you're in that position how can you consolidate that power and use it to help others while in the process of helping yourself. These are not pretty times and Plutonian energy is raw and visceral and has dominion over the flight or fight energy of the root chakra. You're probably tired of hearing me say this but these are evolutionary times and evolution is a new birth. Birth is never easy. It's a new year and everyone is happy to be rid of 2020. So many are optimistic for the future especially as the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction on December 22, 2020 heralds a new beginning in the world via the economy and personally as to how we will approach dealing with the future based upon new social and work structures. This conjunction initiates a 20 year period of new technology, innovation and progress. Aquarius is a Saturn ruled sign so it isn't about throwing out all the old for the new. It's more about refurbishing the old into something new. Keeping structures in our life that still work but updating them. Some structures, institutions and laws will fall by the wayside but in reality most will be transformed so the new energy coming from without has a receptacle to hold it in place and create new modalities. Saturn in Aquarius must provide a box, vehicle and guidelines to hold new information, otherwise chaos ensues. Aquarius deals with the infrastructure of society and the common theme over the next two years will be rebuilding our infrastructure.
Because Aquarius is the sign of hope, optimism, goals, the future, innovation and progress everyone is viewing this as something positive, which it is, but let's not think that all of a sudden there's going to be a miracle and everything will suddenly shift into a utopian fantasy. That's not the way the world works or astrology. Aquarius is the sign of revolutions and as history has proven they often start with a bold new concept towards liberty and freedom from oppression but they quickly turn into a bloodbath. If after the revolution you're not on the same page as the new power dynamic then they often perform a "sweep and purge" type of movement by castrating, beheading and annihilating those that don't align with the new group energy --- and often with a ferocity that is equal or worse to their oppressors. This is the downside of this sign and we must always keep this in mind. Hopefully in modern times we won't see literal beheadings but the metaphor of the words I use is apt. You can see the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction already in action in the isolated subject of the pandemic and the vaccine. A positive part of the equation is the quick development of a vaccination providing great hope for the future. The other part of the equation is that January will be the highest death toll in the USA since the pandemic started and it looks like a long hard winter of lockdown with most of the population not getting vaccinated till the spring. That's if the distribution isn't snagged through bureaucracy, efficacy and also whether or not some of the population refuses taking it. These are big hurdles. Americans don't like giving up their individualism or any infringement on freedom. Aquarius represents a conundrum on whether or not freedom is attained through adhering to the group consensus or separating from the group for the greater belief in personal freedom as opposed to a more collective response. There will be more rigid thinking and political polarization and demonstrations of extreme types of revolutionary behavior. There will be a warp speed energy in society of great technological advancements but we must be sure to bring everyone along for the ride and not just those that can keep up. You can't throw away the old in unfeeling cold ways. Many great and wonderful things will continue to happen along with the chaos that creativity requires. A note on the Cancer full moon that has capped 2020 and initiated 2021. This full moon, like all astrological aspects, can be interpreted several ways. A full moon in Cancer asks us to reflect upon the past. Cancer is concerned with security, memories, the past, home, family, bonds and love. If this has been a horrible year for you with many difficult challenges coming to light due to Covid (or anything else) then the reflection of the year may be one of sadness, depression and feeling down. You may have come to realize under lock down who your true family is, whether blood or chosen. Some may have disappointed in profound ways. You may have ended close family ties and friendships because of an awareness that certain bonds aren't worth holding on to. For others who have gotten closer to family members and have formed more cherished bonds, then the year in review is more deeply satisfying as a result of getting to love people, places, pets or things on a deeper and wiser level --- and that is a great gift. For most of us the realization will fall in both categories. We all must reflect on what love is about in our life and promote greater personal intimacy within the swirl of evolution surrounding us. The end of the year full moon and first week into January is an accounting and review of the past year. What have you learned from the past? How have you dealt with the past? What challenges did you face? What must you let go of and what must you retain? This review offers an important recap before we move forward into the future. Those that are more reflective will move forward wisely, carefully and with a more grounded purpose even amidst any continuing disruptions that 2021 brings your way. |
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
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