There's a maelstrom of nasty aspects approaching so be prepared to gird your loins.
Mercury squares Uranus today. Unexpected news and chaotic information. Knee jerk responses and lashing out verbally. Venus squares Chiron: dealing with deep seated relationship wounds that need to be addressed. The challenge to heal relationships as well as feelings of low self-worth and self-esteem. Money challenges. Mars squares Saturn: Getting fired from a job. The action you take goes against your best interests. The frustration of having the powers that be having control over your sense of direction. Driving with one foot on the gas with the other on the brake. Slow, measured and delayed action after knocking your head against a brick wall. Authorities fighting a mob. Add to this mixture the upcoming Capricorn new moon which is one of the shittiest of the year. Why do I say that? Because the degree of this new moon is at the degree of transiting Pluto. Pluto rules the bowels, the shit, the depths, things that are vile, base and seedy so this new moon is the beginning of a shit show so to speak. Pluto conjunct a new moon is an initiation into terror and spits in our face. I don't use the word holocaust lightly but there is that feeling in the air and no one can deny it. We must transform the energy and power into something that can evolve but that's the energy on the other side of the tunnel and I'm afraid we haven't gotten there yet. On a personal level a Capricorn New Moon conjunct Pluto says how are you structuring the use of power in your life? Are you using power constructively or destructively? How much influence do you have? How much control do you have over the constructs of your life right now and how much are you at the mercy of others? Do you even have any power? What new beginnings are some of you forced to make because of death and destruction through no fault of your own. Others have benefited from a bad situation not in a greedy way but just because of the nature of their work. If you're in that position how can you consolidate that power and use it to help others while in the process of helping yourself. These are not pretty times and Plutonian energy is raw and visceral and has dominion over the flight or fight energy of the root chakra. You're probably tired of hearing me say this but these are evolutionary times and evolution is a new birth. Birth is never easy. Comments are closed.
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
May 2024
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