![]() If you've been following my Facebook blog for the past 10 years you know that I've talked frequently about eclipses. One of the things I have stressed over and over is that during eclipse season we often see deaths of famous or infamous people who were leaders in their field. Men and women of high stature and honors who have contributed something to society and the world on a collective level even if that contribution may have brought great harm or division. Yesterday we lost one of the Titans (and I don't use that term loosely) of the musical comedy world. Composer Stephen Sondheim died at 91. He was the foremost composer of his generation and redefined the entire genre of musical comedy into something more sophisticated, cerebral and psychological. All the while not losing his supreme gift for entertaining generations of fans. He took an old art form that he greatly respected, learned from the best and then transformed it into something new, richer and deeper. He built on the past, learned from his teachers and led the way for the future and passed on his gift to a newer generation ready to shift the art form once again. This man was a GIANT in the industry and everyone knew it even if you weren't necessarily a fan. His legacy and imprint on 20th century musical iconography is mind boggling!!! He started first writing the lyrics to WEST SIDE STORY and GYPSY and afterwards he would write all the music and lyrics to his shows and that list is staggering: A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM, COMPANY, FOLLIES, A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC, PACIFIC OVERTURES, SWEENEY TODD, MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG, SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE and INTO THE WOODS. There were others along the way as well as film work. Mr. Sondheim was an Aries Sun, Scorpio rising with Mars, and Mercury in Pisces. He had a very tight Moon/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn that tightly squared his Venus in Aries and that was the overriding signature in his chart and had much to do with his formative years with a monstrous mother and absent father. More about that on another post. Suffice to say he died between a Lunar Eclipse at 27 Taurus in his 7th house and the upcoming Solar Eclipse at 12 Sagittarius which falls in his 2nd and opposes his natal Jupiter in Gemini in the 8th. That eclipse indicates more of a long journey (Jupiter) of an 8th house kind (death). He most certainly fits into the category of people of great fame and achievement dying during the eclipse season. This energy usually comes in three's so let's see who else will depart this world and leave an equally stellar imprint (or infamous imprint for that matter). +4 See Insights Boost post 66 On the day before Thanksgiving, Mercury enters Sagittarius which is not the greatest placement for this planet for the busiest transportation day of the year. Mercury is in detriment in this sign so there is the potential for sloppiness when it comes to having things needing to be run like a finely tuned Swiss watch. There will be glitches in the systems because attention will not be paid to detail which is what busy times require. This is not a good time for the service industry and those jobs that require routine and high functioning to move people along in the most efficient manner. That being said give yourself plenty of time for your journey and try not to be in too much of a hurry. The chances of receiving misinformation are very high so double check everything!
The fiery nature of the day will lift spirits and help you solve any transportation glitches with energy and quick, innovative solutions. The Moon does make lovely trines to Mercury and the Sun so chances are your mood will be good to make the best of any challenging situations. There should be plenty of good cheer in the air amidst the chaos especially if you have travel companions. The expectation of meeting up with family and friends and the joy to be experienced by the evening's reunion for lavish holiday festivities makes any struggle well worthwhile. People will have good stories to tell! Yesterday and today Mercury triggers the recent lunar eclipse of November 19th so you may get important news via phone, text, mail or message that further heightens the information coming to light during this eclipse season.
The major aspect dominating the day is the Cancer Moon in trine to Neptune in Pisces. This is an excellent creative energy for disciplines linked towards helping yourself and others. The imagination has full reign to express itself. If you're not in a working frame of mind this energy lends itself very well towards escapist activities. It's a good day to get a head start on Thanksgiving cooking with the Cancer Moon supplying a nurturing and caring mood. The evening hours are a good time to uncover deeper relationship needs that need to be discussed, processed and transformed in some way. We are in the Sagittarius time of year so whatever is unraveled or revealed brings greater meaning and understanding. Look for explanations that clarify your opinion and point of view. We are smack in the middle of eclipse season so remember that energies continue to be heightened and over sensitized. Try not to make mountains out of molehills and take a deep breath and think very carefully before taking action, especially if you're acting from an overly emotional POV and responding in knee jerk fashion. Thursday night into Friday the Lunar Eclipse takes charge of the sky. This eclipse occurs at 27.14 degrees of Taurus. This is the first eclipse that ushers in a new polarity that will shift focus to the signs of Taurus/Scorpio for approximately the next 19 months. This axis has much to do with material security and emotional security. What talent and assets do you bring to the table in a relationship vs. what your partner supplies?
In society you will see big things happening with finance. There was a huge infrastructure bill just passed by the president and that is one of the events that heralds the entrance into the signs of money and power. Taurus and Scorpio care about the underbelly that holds things together. The depth and substance of who you are as a person as well as what supports the infrastructure of our society on a material and emotional level. With Uranus traveling through Taurus, we will continue to have an emphasis placed on money and how it is used, how it is changing and the continued development of crypto currencies. With a lunar eclipse in Taurus, you must ask what is of utmost value in your life? Do you value material things like money to the neglect of more spiritual types of values such as talent and that which brings more psychological substance? Who and what do you value and why? How do you support yourself and others? How are you working on your own private infrastructure to improve the quality of life? Taurus is a sign that has a tremendous amount to do with pleasure and indulgence in earthly delights. There could be a great culmination of seeking intense satisfaction over the weekend and in the coming weeks as the eclipse season is around through mid-December. Mars in Scorpio throughout the entire season will stimulate this eclipse in more aggressive ways through a heightened sexuality and drive for power and passion. People are renewing their health insurance at this time of year and the Scorpio/Taurus dynamic is all about seeking support from agencies that supply insurance, mortgages, loans as well as money received through death and inheritance. Taurus energy is very present in the moment and in the body. Whatever you're doing this weekend be seen and stand solid like a giant redwood. Make your presence known and show your dependability and loyalty by staying focused on the task at hand. Be aware of your body and do something that nurtures it in a pleasing and healthy way. Of course, indulgence is something that will be on heightened alert this weekend and through the Thanksgiving holiday. Pick one of the 7 deadly sins and enjoy with more abandonment. Be aware of the sensations streaming through the body like an electrical current that recharges and reconnects the body/mind connection. But know when to stop before you short circuit your inner wiring. Taurus is touchy feely sign and this may be the first holiday in a very long time where you're back in touch with family and friends who have been kept at a distance since the height of the pandemic. Reach out and touch someone, hug someone and kiss someone with less fear. |
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
May 2024
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