The Moon enters Gemini after a void that lasts from 11:08 am till 3:43 pm ET. The best times to accomplish things are either before or after the void. Once the Moon enters Gemini it will build towards the full moon culminating on Saturday, December 18 at 11:36 pm. For the next two days and through the weekend watch the information that comes to light. This information is tying up the recent eclipses and may reveal important facts that you've been waiting to receive. Answers may be just around the corner even if they're not necessarily the ones you want to hear. This is the time to hear what you need to hear in order to have the full story. The eclipse energy formally comes to some sort of conclusion but like life itself there is much more going on in the cosmos, so while you may get some answers to an important issue that has been hounding you, the upcoming Venus retrograde as well as a final square between Saturn and Uranus continue to force us to solve other problems. After all part of the joy of living is old doors closing and new ones opening. Chiron is slowing down and about to turn direct on Sunday, December 19th, the same day as Venus turns retrograde. This adds to healing certain health issues and chronic problems. Covid levels have spiked up and if you're one of those that have caught it recently the station of Chiron turning direct should help in the healing process. For everyone there should be something in your life of a chronic sort whether psychological, physical, emotional or spiritual that can find forward momentum towards healing. It's time to do more than just put another band aid on an old festering wound. How about a new vision and tackling the problem with more courage and a warrior spirit? This weekend is the last Solar Eclipse of the year and the last one in Sagittarius until December 5, 2029. Since this is the last Solar Eclipse in this sign for a while there is a new beginning on Sagittarian themes based upon what we’ve learned and experienced over the past two years. That accrued knowledge, if used wisely, can put us on a new path and adventure towards a brighter future. That is, if you’d like to interpret the Sagittarius culmination as having gained wisdom by learning a lesson in a hopeful and optimistic way. Sagittarius isn’t known for putting to use its knowledge and lessons because after all that takes too much work and effort (Capricorn/Saturn) and sometimes Sagittarius can be very lazy in implementing that which it has learned. It’s too busy enjoying its freedom, and love of adventure and fun. Let’s see. This cycle of eclipses began at the height of the pandemic in June 2020 and lasted until now. Sagittarius and Gemini have colored the lens through which we have seen this pandemic as well as focused our attention on the themes and subjects of those signs. Gemini has to do with the collection of information while Sagittarius deciphers and disseminates it. So much of our world view has been colored by the way the media collects information on the pandemic and then broadcasts it out to the world at large. We have a 24/7 news cycle which repeats and repeats the news and is very biased about what the truth is and then alters the so-called irrefutable truth within 24 hours as some new information comes to light. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, so today’s truth isn’t necessarily tomorrow’s truth as new information comes to light. Some see this as adaptable while in certain contexts it comes out as lying and unreliability. While Sagittarius is a truth seeker (as long as it incorporates Gemini’s talent for fact finding) it is also is a gross liar, over exaggerator and likes to often form opinions without getting the facts. Gemini/Sagittarius is an education and communication polarity and look how much those systems have transformed throughout the world as we have been forced to adapt to new methods of teaching, education, socializing and learning? This is a travel polarity and how much has travel changed over the past two years? Sagittarius is a legal sign; look at all the laws that have been adapted regarding how we travel and the restriction to our ability to travel, be free and come and go as we please, a liberty the sign Sagittarius usually takes for granted. This pandemic is an airborne virus (Gemini) so we mask up not to breathe on others and it spreads fast, quickly and over large areas of space without restriction (Sagittarius). This Solar Eclipse is about making a new beginning on all the above-mentioned Sagittarius themes based upon the two-year period that preceded it. Will the pandemic spread further and continue to mutate, or will it be controlled, and will we regain our travel freedoms? With Jupiter about to enter Pisces, the sign of its dignity, I would like to think there is more hope for the pandemic to be dealt with in ways the help others and society through compassion, empathy and outreach. The new eclipse polarity will now be in Taurus/Scorpio for approximately 18 months and that will be about spending money on infrastructure and how we support the foundations of our society. How we treat the Earth, and our environment will increase in focus. MONEY AND POWER AND GREED. Who do you trust and to whom will you make a commitment? I’ve talked about the eclipse in terms of our society but the same thing occurs on a personal level, so you apply the interpretation to your chart based upon the houses, signs and planets and that’s what a professional Astrologer does for their clients in a personal consultation. |
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
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