Yesterday and today Mercury triggers the recent lunar eclipse of November 19th so you may get important news via phone, text, mail or message that further heightens the information coming to light during this eclipse season.
The major aspect dominating the day is the Cancer Moon in trine to Neptune in Pisces. This is an excellent creative energy for disciplines linked towards helping yourself and others. The imagination has full reign to express itself. If you're not in a working frame of mind this energy lends itself very well towards escapist activities. It's a good day to get a head start on Thanksgiving cooking with the Cancer Moon supplying a nurturing and caring mood. The evening hours are a good time to uncover deeper relationship needs that need to be discussed, processed and transformed in some way. We are in the Sagittarius time of year so whatever is unraveled or revealed brings greater meaning and understanding. Look for explanations that clarify your opinion and point of view. We are smack in the middle of eclipse season so remember that energies continue to be heightened and over sensitized. Try not to make mountains out of molehills and take a deep breath and think very carefully before taking action, especially if you're acting from an overly emotional POV and responding in knee jerk fashion. Comments are closed.
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
May 2024
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