Today is a very special time within the spring eclipse season of 2021. We're smack in the middle between the lunar eclipse at 5 Sagittarius on May 26 and the solar eclipse at 19 Gemini on June 10. Everything right now is very heightened and sensitized. Today also happens to be the second of three transits of Mercury square Neptune. This is the 2nd hit of the trickster's retrograde cycle, so it's reviewing and taking things even deeper in terms of understanding what new information the cycle can offer you. This is the most intense time for trying to fix something.
Mercury square Neptune is very fishy and has a sense of being lost at sea, confused, in la la land, mentally fatigued, forgetful and generally not good for logical choices. There could be more lies and deceptions right now, or I would say more accurately the discovery of past lies and deceptions. Those discoveries of hidden information are important in bringing something new into your awareness. On a psychological level you'll be going through a review of friendships and what they mean to you. You may spiritually transcend your opinion of others, or a situation, based on something having been revealed. This would be a wonderful period for escapism with old friends and the reconnection of those ties. Going back to good times of drinking, socializing, beach time, and rediscovering a new music and poetry to friendship. Reconnect and reopen the heart. You really must look at things on a deeper level and not judge a book by its cover. Read what's underneath the cover, and beneath the surface of superficial personality traits. You may look at flaws of yourself and others on a more intuitive level and gain a greater sense of compassion for something you've been superficially judging. The perennial Mercury retrograde advice of not buying a new car, phone or piece of machinery (unless it's a replacement) holds now more then ever. Oh, and for God's sake be EXTRA CAREFUL when texting in group threads. There could be the accidental sharing of information with others that you had wanted to keep hidden or secret. Double and triple check before you hit the SEND BUTTON! Comments are closed.
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
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