New Moons are always a time for new beginnings. Aries is the sign of birth, beginnings and making a new start, so this particular lunation is even more powerful in terms of awakening and forceful action. Aries is a very personally conscious driven sign, and deals with things confrontationally, openly, bluntly and honestly. It doesn't hold back. So we have the birth of spring and the beginning of the New Year astrologically speaking.
In the past few days we see a new world order beginning thanks to the Coronavirus that was birthed under the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of January. On this lunation we see major action taking place in the USA with Congress passing a $2 trillion stimulus package to save and restart the economy and help workers and citizens make a new beginning. The world realizes it is at war (Aries) with the hidden enemy. We are all taking massive, decisive action to fight and conquer it. Many of us are facing new beginnings with work, family relationships, illness, and many other things. Everyone has to deal with this new reality in some way. The Aries new moon will occur in a particular house in the natal chart. That provides more insight and detail of what area of life is called into action in general, and specifically on how you might be dealing with the Corona Virus. This new moon also occurs triggers the solar eclipse degree from 12/26/19 so it takes to the next level the seeds that were planted at the top of the year and unfolds the story to the next level. Often Solar Eclipse energy leaves us in the dark as the seeds are sewn for something more fated, and often at the opening square lunation (Aries), we are awakened and see more clearly what the fated event is and how to deal with it. Aries is a fighting sign and is militaristic. It calls for quick, decided, brave and courageous action. You have to stare your enemy in the face and smack her down so to speak. Unfortunately while Mercury is still in Pisces we are definitely not getting all the facts, truth and information in clear and concise ways and Mercury the Messenger won't catch up until he enters Aries on April 11. So it's up to you to digest and discern all the current information coming down the pike and separate fact from fiction. Mercury in Pisces calls to battle our civil servants such as nurses, food workers, doctors and all those battling on the front lines of this war. They are the ones making the sacrifices and surrendering their daily rituals in ways that may threaten their life. The Aries Sun conjuncts Chiron over the next few days and our identities are tied to the wounded and trying to heal the sick and ill. A herculean battle is being fought. Chiron is the wounded healer and all our medical people and first responders can be considered "wounded-healers" right now as they put themselves in harms way. Spring is here and with it a new beginning. The dawn of a new age but I don't think anyone could have predicted it would come in this form. Astrologers are great at predicting timing but often the form of the event can catch us by surprise. Aries is a war sign and this time our battle is with a hidden enemy and not an open enemy. Remember that this festered while Mercury was retrograde for a very long time in the sign of Pisces, the sign of hidden enemies, so we were blindsided and slow to respond, but the sign of Aries wakes us up and shakes the sleep out of our eyes and calls us to quick and decisive action. It's time to play catch up. In your personal lives make the new beginnings and implement the tools and resources you need to move forward rather than taking a step backwards. Fight to help others and fight to make a new personal start by taking action! Comments are closed.
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
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