Today the Sun enters Taurus. This is the second sign of Spring. The Sun represents vitality, what makes us feel joyful to be alive and experience life on Earth. It is the spirit and spark that represents the basic inner force motivating everything we do. It is your personal form of art and creativity, your source of light, and sustains the hero and heroine's journey and path in life towards individuation and romance. Romantic love via sex, and affection with an intimate partner is very intoxicating, but romance has a much broader definition. It's that feeling of excitement and mystery associated with lifting us out of the mundane bondage and routine of everyday living. You can have a romance with any person, thing, place or situation in which you see the divine spark of life and creativity reflected back at you.
Taurus represents Mother Nature and the earth in all its physical glory. Taurus is natural beauty, innate talent, resources, and luxuriating in all the senses. Taurus is a fixed earth sign and is physically oriented towards that which brings abundance and pleasure. It likes to linger and luxuriate in that which it is enjoying at the present moment. It deals in the world of values. On a purely practical level that means money, but on a more psychological level it's what we value deep within ourselves in terms of potential raw talent that we can use in order to earn money. We must develop those talents to bring security and abundance into our lives. This is the time of year when we should go outside and bask in the glow and beauty of Mother Nature in full bloom, showing off her abundant physical bounty and beauty. We in turn should get more in touch with inner resources and talents that bring beauty into our lives. Be more determined to focus on your God given talents. Dig deeper and develop them with tenacity so that you have a stronger foundation from which to grow. Think of Taurus energy like one of those giant redwood trees; rooted deeply into the soil that sustains a firm foundation from which to grow larger, taller and branch out wider and ever reaching towards the sky. No matter how tall that tree grows it is rooted into something basic, pure and simple that feeds and nurtures it from a solid source. Think of what feeds your body and makes it healthy, beautiful and strong in a physical way. Our value systems are changing drastically these days in the time of the Corona pandemic. Mother nature is sending us a message about the natural order of things. Remember negative Taurus energy is gluttony, greed, excess, over indulgence and over doing any of the seven deadly sins. Each of us in turn on a personal level will be forced to take an inner accounting of our own personal values and whittle away the excess and get back to a purer, simpler and basic set of being. Comments are closed.
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
May 2024
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