Venus Star Point. The Sun/Venus conjunction at 29° Libra on October 22 marks the beginning of a 100-year cycle in Libra and the end of a 100-year cycle that started in Scorpio in approximately 1925-26. There will be another cazimi conjunction at 0° Scorpio four years from now, so there is a slight overlap as we move from one era to another. This cycle moves retrograde in the zodiac similar to the lunar nodes. It is about death and rebirth that will play out on the world stage and in your personal lives. In world news we see this shift in eras symbolically represented by the deaths of famous women such as Queen Elizabeth and Angela Lansbury both of whom symbolize a major transition from one era to the next. It’s not by accident that both were born in 1925. Each were megastars in their fields of endeavor and wielded major power.
In the media we will be more aware of how we treat "others" in society. Libra is the sign of the "other" or the partner. The sign wants to fight for equal partnership and equal representation. We are seeing major issues regarding women’s right resurfacing with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in America. There will be increased awareness of how we give equal voice to those with less representation in society. The discussion of the balance of power on the Supreme Court will continue to take center stage. There are the riots and protests in Iran after the killing of Mahsa Amini by police for not wearing her hijab properly. The war in Ukraine is very symbolic of honoring the rights of other peoples and nations and being treated fairly by our open enemies. If you have planets around 0° Scorpio and 29° Libra you will feel this shift of endings and beginnings far more acutely than others. Your life will transform, transmute and evolve in unexpected ways as you are being asked to grow and embrace something new about the concept of love, and finding new balance and awareness of its presence or lack thereof in your life. The Venus star point ingressing into Libra is the birth of a new era in all Libran matter: love, peace, fairness, harmony, balance and equality as well as beauty. If it hits a planet or point exactly by conjunction square or opposition then that planet will be an instrument in how you accomplish those Libra goals. This will be true for any point at 0° of the fixed or 29° of the cardinal but it is the Scorpio/Libra points that are the most sensitive. If you are old enough to remember the Saturn/Pluto conjunction between 27-28 degrees of Libra in late 1982 early 1983 you may be able to correlate events from that time in your life to what is happening now. For instance, my Ascendant is 28° 51’ Libra and in 1982/83, when only 23, I was hot and heavy into the first major love relationship of my life. It lasted 8 years and was instrumental in my formative years of discovering and learning about love and the relating principal. At the end of September 2022, though no longer in that relationship, the person with whom I was deeply in love with back in 1982/83 died suddenly and unexpectedly. It was very symbolic of a final death knell to that era of life as I embark on something new right now. It’s time to rediscover the further meaning of what kind of love I want in my environment as this point transits my Libra Ascendant at the age of 63. It will be interesting to see what unfolds in the next 8 years. This is not just a one-off type of event and then goodbye. It is a tectonic shift that will evolve over the course of several years but now is the time when you will start to see the events manifesting in physical form. Observe what and who is dying, and the rebirth of new love and joy being created in your life right now and in the coming year, and how you grow to accept, value and embrace it. An eclipse at 29°Aries on April 20, 2023 will stimulate this point once again. If you do not have any planets at 0° fixed, 29° Cardinal then look at the house in the natal chart in which those degrees are placed for the areas of life that are being highlighted. For more information on the powerful Venus Star Point I recommend reading Arielle Guttman’s wonderful book VENUS STAR RISING. It explains everything in great detail and is extremely well researched and clearly delineated. Comments are closed.
Joseph Addeo is a New York City based consulting astrologer. Categories
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